Sunday, June 3, 2012

I’ve been busy

So… apparently it has been a couple of weeks since I have updated this… sorry about that.  I have been rather busy as of late and when I have had some down time, I haven’t really wanted to write for the blog.  My Sunday classes ended and a new set started up which means that I now have to prepare for two classes instead of only one.  Before I had the same grade two times in a row, but now I have two different grades.  Additionally, I have to create a make-up exam for all of the individuals who failed last session’s English class (only about 10 of the 50-some students passed) and prepare for a review session that I held for them today.  I’m telling myself that they just didn’t study – which if you look at the scores that they earned, they obviously didn’t.  And the exams that are given through the book that we have to use are really hard.  And that is just for Sundays.  I have my usual weekday class to prepare for.  This past week I was preparing a project for them that I’m actually really excited about.  I re-wrote fables or fairy tales such as Cinderella, the Three Little Pigs, and Little Red Riding Hood (stories that they should know) with simple English words or words that we have already seen as vocabulary.  The assignment is for them to re-write the story in English as a skit and then next week, they will act out the play in English in front of the class with costumes and props.  I really hope that they have fun with it and it turns out well… I’ll keep you posted.  On top of that… our WiFi in the community currently isn’t working which means that the ten of us are all using one rather small computer for all internet access, which makes it kinda hard to post. 

Anyways… what else has been going on?  May is Mary’s month and all the Catholics here are VERY into Mary – and the Salesians are the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians… so they kinda really like her.  Anyways, these past couple of weeks every grade, the hijas de la casa, and the teachers have “presented their flower” to Mary during the Buenos Días that occur every morning before school starts.  They were all really kind of cool to watch.  Each group put on a skit, or recited some kind of prayer, and then the group got together, sang as song, and gave their flowers (both symbolic and real) to the Virgin.  I was somehow roped into being part of the Hijas de la Casa’s flower.  This means, that yes, I was singing and dancing in front of all 300+ students and teachers at the school.  And it was in Spanish, and I only learned the song about a day and a half before I had to sing it… and when I say learned, it was the first time that I had listened to the song.  Needless to say, I had to fake quite a few of the lyrics… I hope I was convincing.  I had the dance moves down though! 

This past weekend, I went with Banessa to her Aunt and Uncle’s house (she lives with them) for her sister’s Quinsinera party (for those of you who don’t know, Hispanics celebrate a girls 15th birthday with quite the celebration… kinda like an extravagant Sweet 16, only a year early.  The girl gets all dressed up in a prom dress-like dress, has group of friends – girls and guys – who act like the bridesmaids and groomsmen in a wedding, and has an escort.  Like I said, it is kinda a big thing).  Anyways, Banessa’s house is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  She lives in the mountains at the end of the road.  It is incredibly peaceful.  There are flowers and fruit trees everywhere.  In addition, her house was the nicest I have been to so far… it may have even been bigger than my house at home.  They had three bedrooms, a large kitchen, a dining room, and family room – and they had an INDOOR BATHROOM with a FLUSHING TOILET!  I truly was in heaven! 

There were a ton of people at Banessa’s house all weekend… a bunch of women cooking.  Friday night, the women were all cutting veggies for I’m not entirely sure what… but they started cutting onions, and after half of an onion, the woman cutting them was crying quite profusely… I offered to cut them.  After so many Thursdays cooking for Newman dinner, I’m kinda immune to onions.  Everyone was impressed that I wasn’t crying… who knew that was such a unique skill?  Saturday, we went to the church to decorate it with pink balloons and paper flowers and spent about 3 hours there, re-stringing curtains and decorating. 

The Quinsinera itself was really nice.  They had mass at 4:30 on Saturday night (with an absolutely full church).  And then everyone went to the school for dinner and dancing.  It was basically a wedding reception.  Yes, for all of you wondering… I did dance… but they were dancing what I think is called Machatta (I’m really not sure on the spelling).  But the guy who I was dancing with was really sweet and understanding… and helped me learn the steps.  However, after the cake break, he did not ask me to dance again, and instead opted for someone with a little more Hispanic rhythm… oh well, I had fun while it lasted! 

The party ended at 10:30 – yes some of you may think that that is early… but I was grateful… after waking up at 6:00 after not sleeping very well the night before and then having to get up at 3:30 this morning so that we could be back in time for me to give English class at 8:15… getting to bed at 11:30 was plenty late for me!  Yes, I woke up at 3:30 this morning so that we could leave by 4:00… however, I forgot that here we are on Honduran time, which means that 4:00 really means 4:20.  Oh, well, we got to the school in plenty of time… around 7:15… I was able to supervise the girl’s breakfast, eat my own breakfast, and take a quick shower before I had to give class… score! 

That’s what I’ve been up to as of late… I’m going to San Pedro tomorrow with Sor Xiomara to pick up Ashley, my new co-volunteer.  And I have less than a month left here… it is crazy to think that this will all be coming to an end soon! 

Loves to everyone!

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