Saturday, February 4, 2012

I have clean clothes!!! I think…

I just spent the last hour or so doing my laundry (it is currently about 11:45 on Saturday morning, I’m not sure what time I’ll be posting this, though).  For those of you who know me/have lived with me at all, you know that I’m not a huge fan of doing my laundry… especially in Madison.  I mean, you have to keep track of what time it is to make sure that you take your clothes out of the washer or drier so that someone else doesn’t throw all of you laundry on the floor.  And I have the tendency to forget that I’m doing laundry.  I was kinda dreading doing my laundry here. 

Although the sisters have two washing machines, they do not currently have water to use them, so they are temporarily being used as very expensive counter space.  This means that I got to wash all of my clothes by hand.  And I actually kinda enjoyed it.  I have been kinda concerned the last couple of days about the notion of having to do my laundry for a couple of reasons:  
1. I have never done all of my laundry by hand before.  There are those few items that say hand-wash only that I kinda spot wash when needed or that I swirl around in soapy water when I decide that they actually need to be washed.
2. There are little washing stations on the porches that we use to wash out the mops that are completely  made out of cement and I was concerned that by washing my clothes, I would eventually ruin them/put holes in them. 
3.  I really had no idea what I had to do (did I mention that already)
However petty these fears were, I had been putting off doing my laundry for the last couple of days. 

When I got down to the washing area, I realized that I actually had nothing to worry about.  I had watched some of the girls wash their clothes, so I had the main idea of what I had to do… it couldn’t be that hard.  In addition, this washing station had this plastic-like covering over the groves you rub your clothes over so not to ruin your clothes.  I could totally do this. 

So I started washing my clothes.  Get water out of the basin under the scrubbing board (I’m not sure about the correct terminology.  If anyone knows and wants to enlighten me, I would greatly appreciate it), pour it over my clothes, rub on some soap (the soap is a cylinder solid chunk of soap that you roll over the clothing), add more water, scrub the clothes, rinse, and ring dry.  After a couple of shirts, I got the hang of it – I’m not entirely sure how clean those clothes got.  However, dirt definitely came out of the pair of jeans that I washed (they were really dirty, but I didn’t realize how dirty), and a bunch of blue dye came out of one of my shirts that is rather new and I haven’t washed a whole lot, so I must have been doing something right. 

So, now the clothes I’ve been wearing for the past two weeks are currently hanging out on some clothes lines behind the convent for the world (or who ever happens to be back there) to see.  But doing all of this laundry got me to thinking that I really have too many clothes… I mean, I only washed one pair of jeans and about six shirts (less than half of the clothes I brought which is nowhere close to the number of clothes that are still at home)… and I have been here two weeks.  I don’t know… something about that just seems off. 

On a slightly more up-beat note:  I had been slightly concerned because I have yet to figure out a decent way to get a workout when I’m here (if anyone has ideas for me, once again, I would greatly appreciate them), hands and wrists will at least be stronger when I get home due to washing clothes and wringing them out before hanging them to dry. 

Peace to all my loved ones at home!  Miss you and love you all!!

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